42nd StreetOctober 28, 2018 Grease Original Grease tour in Birmingham.Celebrating after the show. Standing ovation for the Opening night T-Birds in Edinburgh.Vocal harmonies for days Me with original London Sandy (Debbie Gibson) Original tour Grease members Paul, Daniel, Alexis, Kevin, Mark, Toni and Me at a gala night Grease promotion to celebrate 250 in Southampton with HOUSE FULL every performance Grease reunion with my friend (Lisa Gorgin) Grease reunion in London with lifelong friends.Julian Stoneman made it too... T-Birds photo shoot as Reservoir Dogs After recording at Abbey Road studios, we have to do the obligatory Beatles photo shoot Birmingham Grease cast with Ian Kelsey Joining as Danny Zuko Grease gang back together at Stephen Mears 50th Birthday party Publicity poster of original tour cast T-Birds photo shoot as Reservoir Dogs Grease choreographer (Arlene Phillips) and Me at the Palladium on a night out Original tour photo shoot Me in action as Doody in performance Grease photo shoot promotion Jan (liz Ewing) and Doody ready to go onstage for the opening Kenickie (Alex Bourne), Betsy (Lisa Gorgin) and Doody backstage for the opening number Joint Birthday celebrations for Doody (me) and Sandy (Charlie Isabella King / Helen Way) with Ross King and Coleen Nolan My T-bird family and lifelong friends Me in action as Doody in performance My Frenchie (Susanna Jupp) and Doody on set before the 2nd act opening jive Danny (Shane Ritchie) and Doody (Me) wearing the same jackets at a Grease promotion.Shane has good taste obviously! Producer (Paul Nicholas) and me at a Grease gala promotion night